Michele Leoni is capable of bringing big smiles to the world, day after day, stroke after stroke.
We’ve suddenly fell in love with Michele Leoni’s illustrations. These are something straight and funny. They speak an universal language, yet essential. The same for the techniques he uses. We are excited to have Michele Leoni among the Design Stories, the Uncovered column that takes you right in the middle of creativity. Where our favorite illustrators, graphic designers, artists make the magic happen. We don’t want to take any more time, the sooner you’ll read this, the better you’ll see the ? Michele has designed and dropped for us. Enjoy the reading, pals!
Ciao Michele, let’s start with the essentials, who are you?
Ciao guys, my name is Michele Leoni but everybody calls me Mitch ☺︎ I am a 25 years old boy living in Modena, where I’m trying to survive with illustrations and, lately, tattoos.
What does your average day look like?
It never starts early in the morning. I am on a diet for which sleeping a lot plays a main role 🙂 Once I’m awake I drink my moka’s espresso and start putting abstract ideas into graphic solutions. I always keep the first sketches, which sometimes become different artworks subsequently. Once the daylight is gone I am out with some friends to drink a couple of glasses. I’d consider it a great routine ★★★★★
What your workspace looks like?
It always change, I never work the sample place but I still prefer wide and bright spaces. It helps me focusing.
Where you draw your main inspirations from?
From everything’s around me. From that strange relation between the future and the past only Italian people can understand. At first I was inspired by medieval and early Christian art, freeing it from religious meanings. I am now more inspired by repetition and routine in daily life: I try to make it easy and funny 🙂
That’s a though one, but…how did you develop your own style? Did you have any blue or pink period you’d like to share?
Blue periods are what is most useful to an artist, they are part of the creative process. I think it’s because of them that I found my approach to design. Pink ones are amazing, but they’re not helping you to improve and do better. They even turn you off sometimes ☹
We can note tons of irony and daily life in your work, what does this mean in relation to illustration?
I’m trying to make everything easier through illustration. This is my way of facing problems. It’s kinda natural to me to find always the funny side.
Speaking of techniques, do you consider yoursel more a digital or traditional artist?
The second one, my favorite technique is still pen and ink.
Any advice for the creatives out there?
Take it easy and live on ?
What have you prepared for Wood’d?
A super beautiful Macbook’s Skin with the tattoo style I’ve developed lately ?