Solomostry whispers to your inner monsters.
Everyone has one. That little creature that takes over when you are feeling spaced out, troubled, afraid or angry. Now there’s a boy out there who has given a face to that little monster of yours or hundred others. SOLOMOSTRY is the artist behind your favorite monsters in Milano. From the streets and walls of your favorite spots, SLMSTRY is now bringing his monster to some of the hypest galleries and places around Europe. We warmly welcome SOLOMOSTRY to the Design Stories column, where we will tell about the work, inspiration and uniqueness of our favourite Italian artists. So, take your monster by hand, have a read, and join the surprise SLMSTRY brought to all Uncovered friends. Ciao!
Ciao Solomostry, tell us a bit more about you.
I am SOLOMOSTRY. It all started with graffiti, some time in 2002 and 2003. Then, a collaboration kicked off with a techno club back in 2007, where I was managing the stage productions. Techno music was responsible for all the letters I wrote for the monsters, who have kept following me ever since.
And how would you describe your monsters and your work?
Instinctive, impulsive…it’s an imaginary scenery that needs to expand freely, without limitations or boundaries, everything is meant to have an impact.
Speaking of habits, what are yours?
I always start my day by walking my dog in the park. Then I meet my monsters at the studio, where I spend most of my time. Then again, walking the dog, having few beers, meeting friends, going home.
We’ve already gotten an idea from looking at the pictures, but how does your workspace look like?
My workspace is one big room. One wall for painting, one wall for taking pictures. One iMac and the right amount of mess around. Next to my place, a screen-printing studio for when I need to print something.
Do you have any favourite techniques or tools you rather use for your work?
I love using big brushes, paint rollers, plant sprayers filled with paint, and manual screen-printing.
Where do you draw your inspiration from?
At first it was techno music, then came the graphics, generally meeting people, talking with other artists. Everything that catches my attention.
We know you got something to show us, what have you prepared for Wood’d?
I’ve designed an iPhone and Galaxy cover inspired by the Essential, “black knight” the monster that will bring you in the blackest night ever.