ComaCose and the soul of Milano in 3000 AC.
ComaCose, o Coma_Cose, if you rather prefer, is a Milanese music project, born in Milan by two adoptive Milanese, who take Milan’s creative humus, for good and for bad, to transfer it to music flirting with transgenerational suggestions, beyond the genres. They have launched a whole series of videos since the beginning of this year, but very little news circulate about them. Curious to know more, here at Wood’d we crossed them for a short chat, to bring you an extract of their soundscape. Ladies and gents, Fausto and California are with us for Wood’d Vibes: please let’s welcome ComaCose!
Uncovered: Ciao Fausto and California, in a few words: who are you?
California: We are musicians as well as concept-artists, currently living in Milan.
Uncovered: And how did you start with music?
Fausto: It was first the golden age of rap, moving then to different projects and areas as producer. I started working at ComaCose with California not long ago. I’d consider it as a result of our different experiences and attitudes.
Uncovered: Speaking about inspiration: what are the main influences of your sound?
California: Classic rap, alternative rock, electronic flows.
Uncovered: What are you currently listening to?
Fausto: Right now we are writing new music. Strange thing is: while we are doing it we don’t like to listen to a lot of different music, we don’t want to be influenced. That’s why in the last period what you’d find on air would be something to chill with or some psychedelic tracks from the past.
Uncovered: Where you draw your main inspirations for this mix?
California: Like we were saying, lately we’ve been listening tons of psychedelic music from the 70s, as well as some indie from the 90s.
Uncovered: What you have prepared for Wood’d?
Fausto: It’s a selection of different tunes from different scenes. The fun was mixing them together! If we’d have to give it a title, it would be “Anadelia”, which stands for Analog Psychedelia.