Graphic Design: la nostra fissa quotidiana

Wood'd shares some links about graphic design on daily digest | Wood'd Uncovered

Abbiamo qualche idea per per uscire dal blocco creativo del lunedì 🙂

Come sicuramente moltissimi, se non tutti, tra voi, anche noi qui a Wood’d siamo degli accaniti lettori. E siamo costantemente connessi al cuore pulsante della grande rete, come anche voi. Le internets ci regalano materiale senza sosta, ogni giorno tutti i giorni. Per questo motivo abbiamo pensato di creare Wood’d Digest, un elenco di link aggiornato regolarmente, portandovi quelli che secondo noi possono essere i migliori articoli e le letture più valide da condividere e commentare insieme. Spread love, it’s the Wood’d way ✨

Negli ultimi anni sembra che il Graphic Design sia diventata là più seguita delle discipline creative. Con l’avvento del digitale lo si può trovare ovunque. Dai social, al fashion, al design. Noi ne siamo enormi fan, ed è sicuramente una delle più grandi fonti di ispirazione. Tu cosa ne pensi? Hai stili o artisti da consigliare? Facci sapere, e nel frattempo, buona lettura ??

Exclusive: rediscover graphics from Fiorucci’s archival 1984 Panini collaboration

Since Fiorucci was founded in 1967, the Italian brand has been worn by everyone from Marc Jacobs to Cher, Calvin Klein to Douglas Coupland. The clout of a celebrity-studded fanbase solidified the label as a by-word for cool, earning Fiorucci a flurry of pop culture name-checks from Sister Sledge’s disco classic _He’s The Greatest Dancer_ to Mark Leckey’s iconic video artwork _Fiorucci Made Me Hardcore_.

1967 | A Modern Identity Takes Form in Ancient Lettering

“It is a highly recognizable representation of our brand,” he said. “While it has been transformed over the years into a cleaner, more modern presentation, it references a long and distinguished history.” That’s an understatement.

Over 100 posters by Keith Haring go on show in Hamburg

A set of over 100 Keith Haring posters has gone on show at Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg (MKG). A gift to the gallery by Hamburg collector Claus von der Osten and curated by Dr Jürgen Döring, _Keith Haring: Posters_ will provide a unique insight into the artist’s vision as well as his social and political concerns spanning human rights, tolerance, education, and awareness around AIDS, the disease which led to his death in 1990.

This Is What Graphic Design Was Like Before Computers

You have a lot to thank your laptop for. Computers have made a plethora of activities in daily life infinitely easier, but perhaps the biggest reduction in heartache was within the graphic design industry.

Erik Spiekermann’s design studio launches the fourth edition of p98a PAPER

The inimitable p98a PAPER is launching its fourth fluorescent edition at the experimental letterpress workshop of Erik Spiekermann in Berlin, Tiergarten on the 14th of December at 7:30pm.