Sustainability, uno stile di vita o soltanto l’ultimo trend?
Come sicuramente moltissimi, se non tutti, tra voi, anche noi qui a Wood’d siamo degli accaniti lettori. E siamo costantemente connessi al cuore pulsante della grande rete, come anche voi. Le internets ci regalano materiale senza sosta, ogni giorno tutti i giorni. Per questo motivo abbiamo pensato di creare Wood’d Digest, un elenco di link aggiornato regolarmente, portandovi quelli che secondo noi possono essere i migliori articoli e le letture più valide da condividere e commentare insieme. Spread love, it’s the Wood’d way ✨
“Sustainability” è la parola sulla bocca di tutti, al giorno d’oggi. Qual è il tuo punto di vista a riguardo? Hai già una tua opinione in merito o devi ancora fartene un’idea precisa? Non ti preoccupare, in ogni caso, qui di seguito puoi trovare una serie di links ed articoli che possono aiutarti a rispondere alle tue domande, o magari corroborare il tuo punto di vista, oppure…ce lo dirai tu!
Brands Should Be More Like Patagonia
In business circles, talk often swirls around the idea of the end justifying the means. Can a company’s bottom line justify shady business practices, sweat-shops and pollution? These are the kinds of questions that constantly loom over fast fashion companies, who are often accused of putting profit above people.
What’s the point of the latest brand It Job?
For today, we’re talking about the former: the environmental sort of sustainability. In recent years, major apparel brands like H&M, Kering, Adidas, and Nike have made a big deal of the strides they’ve made in this area, marketing “green” collections and publishing long sustainability reports to lay out their goals and log their annual progress.
The Ugly Problem of Pretty Packaging
What happens after the Instagram unboxing?
Our Jeans Are Ruining the Planet, but This Company Wants to Fix That
Here’s how you make the indigo that gives most denim its signature blue: like many things in peak-oil America, you start by drilling down. Extract petroleum from the earth and then subject it to high-heat, high-energy conditions in order to break it up up into its component molecules.
Is Sustainable Fashion Completely Pointless? | Highsnobiety
With freak weather becoming ever more frequent and scientific evidence continuing to pile up, irrefutably proving that humans are completely trashing the planet, the only people who don’t believe that we need to take drastic action to save our ecosystem from total destruction are fringe lunatics who believe Jesus was friends with dinosaurs and employees of the Trump administration – although many would argue that there’s a high degree of crossover between the two.
Fig Leaves Are Out. What to Wear to Be Kind to the Planet?
Producing wool requires sheep. And sheep, like other ruminants including cattle, produce methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, in their burps. One study suggested that 50 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions from the wool industry come from the sheep themselves.